Do I need to book ahead?
We do recommend booking online in advance, but we do allow walk-ins and we will let you know the next time slot that is available if you do not have a reservation.


How many people can play an Escape Room?
Our rooms have a range of 2-10 players. Clue Done-It is great for groups of 2-8, Brewery Heist 3-10, and Disco Toxin 3-10.

 I don’t want to play with strangers, can we have a private game if we aren’t booking a full room?
We are private booking only! That means the only other players in your game will be the friends and family you bring with you!

There are only 2 of us, can we play by ourselves?
Since we are private booking we do have minimum ticket purchase requirements. Teams of 2 can play but will need to purchase the minimum number of ticket for the game (3-4 tickets).

I’m booking for a group of six, but I don’t want to pay for everyone, what do I do?
Since we are private booking you can pay for the minimum number of tickets required to reserve the room online (3) and everyone else in your party can pay onsite when they arrive.

Can kids play?
All ages are welcome to enjoy our rooms! Children 10 and under need a responsible adult in the room with them, children 12 and under need an adult on premises. Children 6 & under are free. Also, since a waiver needs to be signed by someone over 18 who is willing to take responsibility for the children involved, at least one parent needs to sign in any person under the age of 18.

Do you have a discount?

We run special promotions from time to time! Check out facebook to stay up to date!

Is there anyone else in the room with us?
There are no live actors in our experiences. The only people in your game will be those you bring with you!


We are private booking only, without the up charge for the private room. We also take great care in offering the best customer service and overall experience for our guests!